Complete this sentence: I have come that they may have life ____________. It’s a familiar passage. And depending on the Bible version you’ve used TOmemorize the passage, you might complete the sentence with something like: …and have it more abundantly. But what exactly does this mean, especially when life doesn’t … [Read more...]
Las Vegas Shooting: Can We Blame a Fallen World?
It’s the go-to phrase for explaining calamity: "We live in a fallen world." But what does this mean, and is it accurate? In fact, the Fall is not only the reason behind why bad things happen. The Fall is also why these bad things hurt. It’s why the loss of someone we love, whether through disease or tragedy such as … [Read more...]
Making Sense of Suffering
The disciples asked the question for us: Why did this happen? In John 9 Jesus and his disciples passed by a man blind since birth. His disciples asked Jesus, ““Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” It was actually a legitimate question in that Jewish tradition taught at the time that … [Read more...]
Making Sense of Suffering
The disciples asked the question for us: Why did this happen? It’s a question we ask in one form or another when confronted with unjust suffering: Why did this happen? Innocents are killed by a madman with a gun. An earthquake kills hundreds in a few seconds. Children contract cancer. Why? Digging In Read John … [Read more...]