The events of the week of January 6, 2021 are an eye-opener for believers and their role in civic/government affairs. To help students grapple with that very subject, InWord offers a small-group inductive Bible study entitled, fittingly, For Such a Time as Now! It’s now time to give a push to this timely study. Yes, the study has a few miles on it, but the content is timeless. In the days following the events at the U.S. Capitol we revised the downloadable PDF version of the small-group study and we are encouraging its availability with a generous 25% discount. The study is available in hard copy or PDF download. The study comes with InWord’s unique “INNERgized Web Help,” online content that enhances the study experience and provides up-to-date content support. In fact, we’ve created an introductory exercise to help students process the storming of the U.S. Capitol Building. We feel that hearts are soft to hear what God’s Word has to say about living for the Kingdom of Heaven will living in the kingdom of earth.
Through this study, students will:
- Pick up tips from people like Esther and Daniel on how to engage with their culture.
- Learn how to interact with those who think differently.
- Explore teachings in Scripture regarding the interplay between earthbound kingdoms and our heavenly kingdom.
- Consider God’s calling on their lives.
- Engage the practical: 1) Lock in on the first election in which they’ll be able to vote. 2) Become aware of—and possibly connect with—an elected official, from city council to Congress.