About This Study:
What’s next? Maybe you have found yourself asking that question in your spiritual journey. If so, or even if not, we’d like to give you seven days of “next.” Seven days of engagement with Scripture—an engagement that will nourish your soul with ingredients it craves: God’s love, God’s Word, prayer, redemption, obedience, and more.
The spiritual life is a journey that often includes highs and lows. The highs can come in the form of a spiritual awakening, a personal revival, or a move of restoration. Feeding Your Hunger is a piece intended to help you season your spiritual highs with something from God that is promised to endure: His Word. Spiritual movement can be short-lived if not infused with a ministry of God’s Word which is described in Scripture with words like imperishable, lasting, enduring, living, forever.
Each day of Feeding Your Hunger is a deep, but not daunting, dive into Scripture that not only helps you lean into a sacred subject but also helps you experience Scripture in a meditative, explorative way…in a way that Scripture asks to be explored.
And there’s more! You’ll see at the end of each day’s devotional a link to a follow-up page that gives you additional tools for digging even deeper into each day’s sacred subject.