Whether you or your church celebrate Lent, building up some self-denial muscle is always a good plan. But maybe this is the year that you build the muscle by saying “yes” rather than, or in addition to, saying “no.”
We’ve all experienced the lure of the forbidden fruit which Paul writes of in Romans 7. As soon as we’re told not to do something, we do that very thing. And we all know by experience that even a phalanx of willpower will eventually fade. In fact, research has shown that we have limited willpower. In 1 Corinthians 9 Paul tells us why: the things we try to say “no” to are perishable and so is our ability to say “no.” But lasting strength comes from saying “yes” to imperishable things like joy, freedom, and the resurrection life.
Paul’s struggle with forbidden fruit in Romans 7 sets up his victory in Romans 8.
Romans 8:12-15
So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go! This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?”
Saying “yes” to the big, imperishable things, like living the resurrection life, will help us say “no” to the perishable things that lead to decay.
When Jesus gave us that famous “no” instruction to “deny yourself” in Matthew 16, He followed it up with two “yes’s”: pick up your cross, and follow. So maybe that’s our ratio: for every “no” we need two “yes’s.” This will help us beat temptation, or give up something for Lent, with a source that is far greater than willpower. So, as we think of things we need to subtract from our lives, whether for Lent or for life in general, we should think of at least two things, of an eternal nature, to add in their place.
NO: Sugary drinks
YES: a healthy body, a healthy temple for God’s Spirit
YES: donate the money saved to a child sponsorship ministry.
NO: social media
YES: more available for time with God
YES: more time to explore spiritual giftedness
After you’ve identified your “no” and your two “yes’s,” discipline yourself to focus on the “yes’s.” In fact, at the risk of being hyper-practical, write each on their own piece of paper. Then throw your “no” paper away, leaving with your two “yes’s” to focus your energies.
There is power in the resurrection life. As you do the actions of your “yes’s,” keeping asking God, “What’s next?” He will always show you. Before long, you’ll forget you even had a “no.”
Download a small-group exercise on this post here.